Yool and Seul

Yool and Seul

Released: 2021
Quality: HD Uncut
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Watch Movie Yool and Seul

Yool and Seul is a Korean 18+ psychological film, which is quite boldly built when combining both heterosexual and homosexual love, throughout the film are stories that are quite close to the lives of today’s youth.

“Yool and Seul” is about two main characters, Yool and Seul, who both carry pain and suicidal thoughts. They meet by chance and together go through a journey to find the meaning of life. The film not only focuses on the love story but also explores complex psychological aspects and inner conflicts.

The names of the 2 film characters are taken from the names of the 2 main actresses participating in the film, both of whom are familiar names to audiences who love Korean 18+ films. Yool and Seul has many sensitive scenes, you should consider before watching.